10 Phrases Any Employee Should Not Say to Your Boss! (Online - AM)
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10 Phrases Any Employee Should Not Say to Your Boss! (Online - AM)

Online Workshops: Cantonese with English Workbook

  1. 「…」
  2. 「做唔到噃…」
  3. 「我唔知/我唔識/我記性唔好。」
  4. 「但係我有好多嘢做緊…」
  5. 「點解其他同事…」
  6. 「我知我係唔啱… 」
  7. 「其他同事都有/冇意見…」
  8. 「其實對方嘅睇法都唔係冇道理嘅…」
  9. 「公司冇咁嘅先例。」
  10. 「我做開唔係咁喎!」

Over the last 30 years, I have met many unhappy employees going to work every day, complaining about their bosses or companies. Maybe it’s time for us to do some self-reflection. Not from your career perspective but from our own perspective; and take this opportunity to review our life – where we aspire to go and where we long for our next generation to be. 

It all begins from US!

What our Participants say:

"Interesting and useful not only for workplace but also useful for my daily life"

... Zoe Wong, Airport Authority Hong Kong
"The Q&L Training for Procurement Professionals" Workshop for The Airport Authority

"有趣實用及有得著 ,不單止在工作上,生活上也可活學活用"

... Phoebe Chan, Estee Lauder Hong Kong Ltd
Customer Service through Better Communication

"Polish the way you talk. I have learned how to express my thoughts and how to listen to others"

... Meiki Wong, Collinson International (Hong Kong) Limited
Influencing & Working with Internal Business Associates Successfully


Anyone who need a pause to re-think. If your manager sponsors you to attend this workshop, please smile and say thank you wholeheartedly. They truly care about your well-being, beyond your work performance!

Interactive online lectures using ZOOM Cloud Meetings. All participants must be equipped with camera, microphone and speaker to participate fully in the online discussions and role-play practices. ZOOM Cloud Meetings could be used on desktop computers, tablets or mobile phones

What You Will Cover
  1. Why NOT?
    • What is your aspiration in life? Career? Status? Government housing? Money? Safety? Children?
    • Group discussion on the implications, consequences, reasons, hidden agenda, impact and reactions when employees use the 10 phrases
  1. Why should I speak to please others? Or speak to help myself?
    • Is it true that we need to please everyone and cannot be ourselves at work?
    • What’s in it for me to “improve” my communication skills?
  1. What should I say instead? (10 case studies)
    • Preparation time for role play
  1. Positive speaking techniques 
    • How to say exactly what you mean positively
    • Common practices that are wrong and classic mistakes to avoid
    • Individual practice session and feedback
  1. Learning and summary
About the Facilitator

Audrey Loh qualifies as a sales and marketing professional with more than 15 years of experience in sales, marketing, accounting and customer service with multi-national companies in the Asia Pacific region. Prior to her present role, she was a marketing director in Motorola. Apart from her professional work, Audrey does management, marketing, customer service and sales skills training for large multi-national corporations in Hong Kong, China, Macau, Taiwan and South East Asia.

Since 1997, Audrey has facilitated more than 2,000 workshops in various topics for over 31,000 participants from adidas, AEON Credit Service, AIA, Airport Authority, Asia Satellite Telecommunications, AXA, BCD Travel, Canadian International School, Chow Sang Sang Holdings, Citibank, CITIC Telecom, CLP Power, DFS Group, Hong Kong Government (various departments), Galaxy Entertainment Group, General Mills HK, GlaxoSmithKline, Hilti, Hitachi, Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering, Hong Kong Baptist University, International SOS, Japan Tobacco, Kao, Kimberly-Clark, LVMH, Madame Tussaud's, Maersk, Miele, OCBC Wing Hang Bank, Ocean Park, Prince of Wales Hospital, Project Orbis, Ricoh, Richemont AP, Shangri-La Hotels, Spin Master Toys, Swatch Group, Sun Hung Kai Properties, Swarovski, Swire Beverages, The Dairy Farm Group and many other organisations. She is fluent in English, Putonghua, Japanese, Cantonese & several other Chinese dialects.

Audrey is also a Leading CEO Communications Coach for senior executives.

Online, maximum 15 participants
9:30am - 12:30pm
HK$1,300 per participant. Special discounted price of HK$1,188 per participant for enrolments one month before date of workshop or for groups of two or more